In the landscape of challenges faced by Malawi, the persistence of malnutrition among children remains a stark concern as the effects of malnutrition and unhygienic practices—both physical and mental—are devastating and irreversible.
However, amidst this troubling reality, a beacon of hope emerges through the concerted efforts of the Youth Initiative for Community Development (YICOD), empowering young individuals to become champions of change in their communities in Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza district.
Recognizing the pivotal role of young people in advocating for improved nutrition and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) practices, YICOD initiated an activity aiming to combat malnutrition and hygiene-related issues among students.
In an inspiring development, 40 Youth Champions were identified and empowered with comprehensive education on nutrition and WASH at Maonde and Mtenje primary schools respectively in T/A Kachere.
Food and Nutrition Security officer, Francis Kamoto, emphasized the significance of these Youth Champions, stating, "Their role in disseminating information and raising awareness on nutrition and WASH issues is invaluable."
Among the empowered champions, Precious Lucius, a learner at Mtenje, expressed her determination: "I will encourage my fellow students and our families to consume balanced foods to prevent diseases caused by imbalanced diets."
This sentiment was echoed by Mtenje Primary School headteacher Habrey Kalolo who said will make sure that his school environment is clean all the time by promoting good hygiene practices among the learners. brimming with enthusiasm.
"I'm excited to learn about hygiene and sanitation. I pledge to keep our school environment clean. Together with my fellow teachers we will also promoting hygienic practices among learners such as washing hands before eating and after visiting the toilets, among others," said Kalolo.
The impact of this initiative is already visible as the youth champions, recognising the significance of enhancing their nutrition, applied their newfound knowledge to establish backyard gardens. "We are hopeful that the gardens we've planted will provide fresh vegetables and fruits, ensuring a balanced diet for all learners," shared Alinafe Malingamoyo, one of the teachers at Mtenje.
YICOD is implementing a project entitled 'Improving Nutrition of Women through Integrated Food Security and WASH,' funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to WeltHungerHilfe (WHH) through Tilitonse Foundation in collaboration with CISANET.