Lokesi, YICOD

Transforming Lives through Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Initiatives

In the heart of T/A Kachere, a remarkable transformation is underway. Lives once excluded and marginalized are finding hope and empowerment through the impactful initiatives of the “Improving the Nutrition and Health of Women through Integrated Food Security and WASH” programme.

Supported by BMZ through WHH, CISANET, and the Tilitonse Foundation, this project is being spearheaded by the Youth Initiative for Community Development (YICOD), dedicated to enhancing Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) practices while ensuring gender equality and social inclusion.

One of the project’s standout successes lies in its commitment to inclusivity which Gender and Social Inclusion Officer Jane Chagunda says it is one of YICOD’s objectives to ensure that every community member is included in matters community development.

“We are very excited about the progress we’ve made in ensuring inclusion within our beneficiaries. Among the 200 beneficiaries, we’ve successfully included 3.5 percent of persons with disabilities and elderly individuals. Moreover,

an impressive 83 percent representation of women and 85.5 percent of youths among the beneficiaries underscores our dedication to inclusiveness,” said Chagunda.

Lokesi Esemu, a woman living with a disability and the head of her family, represents the transformative impact of this program. Expressing her gratitude, she acknowledges YICOD’s support.

“Thanks to YICOD, I now have access to vegetable seeds and small livestock. These resources have changed my life,” Lokesi shares. “Previously, having vegetables in my meals was a luxury, but now I can grow them myself.”

Lokesi’s story echoes deeply, emphasizing how access to resources and support can empower marginalized individuals to live healthier, more self-sufficient lives. Her narrative characterizes the tangible impact of this project on the lives of women and marginalized communities.

The “Improving the Nutrition and Health of Women through Integrated Food Security and WASH” initiative stands as a beacon of hope and progress which does not only strives to enhance nutrition and WASH programs but also aims to break barriers that have historically held vulnerable groups back.

“Our focus on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) initiatives is driving meaningful change. We are not merely providing aid; we are also promoting women economic empowerment, enhancing their voice in decision making in food production, purchase, preparation and consumption,” Chagunda said.

This success story highlights the profound effect that collaborative efforts can have in ensuring that no one is left behind. By working hand in hand, organizations like YICOD and its partners are catalysing change and paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.

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